The get customers method allows retrieval of high level information for existing customers based on a search text . It returns those customers containing the search text in their first or last name.
URL | https://[host] |
HTTP Method | GET |
Query String Parameters |
contains: search string for customer. Required. skip: number of records to skip (used for paging). Required. take: number of records to take (maximum is 100). Required. |
GET https://[host]
Response Body
{ "Message":"SUCCESS", "Customers": [{" "AddressLine1":"3245 FANTORUM LANE", "AddressLine2":"SUITE 400", "City":"PORTLAND", "CollectionMethod":"Any", "Company":"Fantora Inc.", "CountryCode":"USA", "CustomerID":"4962", "EmailAddress":"", "FAXNumber":"", "FirstName":"Deborah", "HomeNumber":"", "LastName":"Jennings", "MiddleName":"", "MobileNumber":null, "NamePrefix":"", "NameSuffix":"", "Password":"", "PostalCode":"97124", "StateProvince":"OR", "Title":"", "WebPageURL":"", "WorkNumber":"111 222 3333" }], "TotalItemCount":3866 }