The sign up method allows signing up of a new customer for a particular offer or promotion. The caller must pass customer, payment and optionally product provisioning information. The method returns the customer id and subscription id for the newly create customer and subscription. Note: Product provisioning information in the form of subscription item level detail must only be specified if the products or services part of the specified offer have been configured to require provisioning information.
URL | https://[host] |
HTTP Method | POST |
Query String Parameters |
POST https://[host]
Request Body
{ "CreditCardInfo": { "AccountNumber":"41111111111111111111", "AddressLine1":"Billing Lane 1", "AddressLine2":"Suite 400", "CVCode":"123", "City":"Portland", "CountryCode":"USA", "ExpirationDate":"1211", "FirstName":"Test", "IPAddress":"", "LastName":"Customer", "PostalCode":"97229", "StateProvince":"OR", }, "Customer": { "AddressLine1":"Billing Lane 1", "AddressLine2":"Suite 400", "City":"Portland", "Company":"Test Company 30261", "CountryCode":"USA", "EmailAddress":"", "FAXNumber":"5035553333", "FirstName":"Allen", "HomeNumber":"5032344444", "LastName":"Fabrico", "MiddleName":"M", "MobileNumber":"5035553333", "NamePrefix":"MR", "NameSuffix":"II", "PostalCode":"100", "StateProvince":"OR", "Title":"VP Sales", "WebPageURL":"", "WorkNumber":"5035556666" }, "Subscription": { "OfferCode":"BVHO", "PromotionCode":"BVHPRM", "ResellerID":"VENTRO", "SubscriptionID":"1065", "SubscriptionItems": [{ "Fields": [{ "ProductFieldCode":"URL", "Value":"" }], "ProductCode":"BVH", "SubscriptionItemID":"1000" }] } }
Response Body
{ "Message":"SUCCESS" "CustomerID":"4983" "SubscriptionID":"1040" }