Calculate fees, discounts, and taxes for the initial signup period for a new customer and subscription. Requires the same information as a regular signup, except for the payment method information. Payment method information does not need to be specified.
URL | https://[host] |
HTTP Method | POST |
Query String Parameters |
POST https://[host]
Request Body
{ "Customer": { "AddressLine1":"Billing Lane 1", "AddressLine2":"Suite 400", "City":"Portland", "Company":"Test Company 30261", "CountryCode":"USA", "EmailAddress":"", "FAXNumber":"5035553333", "FirstName":"Allen", "HomeNumber":"5032344444", "LastName":"Fabrico", "MiddleName":"M", "MobileNumber":"5035553333", "NamePrefix":"MR", "NameSuffix":"II", "PostalCode":"100", "StateProvince":"OR", "Title":"VP Sales", "WebPageURL":"", "WorkNumber":"5035556666" }, "Subscription": { "OfferCode":"BVHO", "PromotionCode":"BVHPRM", "ResellerID":"VENTRO", "SubscriptionID":"1065", "SubscriptionItems": [{ "Fields": [{ "ProductFieldCode":"URL", "Value":"" }], "ProductCode":"BVH", "SubscriptionItemID":"1000" }] } }
Response Body
{ "Message" : "SUCCESS", "Discounts":"-7.5", "Fees":"40", "FreeTrialDays":"14", "Taxes":"0" }