The get offer method allows retrieval of detailed information for a particular offer. It returns offer information such as the offer code, name, description, status, as well as price plan information configured for the specified offer.
URL | https://[host][offerCode] |
HTTP Method | GET |
Query String Parameters |
GET https://[host]
Response Body
{ "Message":"SUCCESS", "Offer": { "Description":"The business video hosting offering includes up to 5GB of space and up to 1 TB of data transfer per month.", "Name":"Business Video Hosting", "OfferCode":"BVHO", "PricePlan": { "CurrencyCode":"USD", "FreeTrialDuration":14, "FreeTrialType":"Day", "PricePlanCode":"BVHO", "PricePlanItems": [{ "Amount":5.0000, "PricePlanItemTypeCode":"FA", "ProductName":"Business Video Hosting" },{ "Amount":9.9500, "PricePlanItemTypeCode":"FR", "ProductName":"Business Video Hosting" }]}, "Status":"Active" } }