Account notifications are generated when the customer account has been activated, suspended, closed or reinstated by the dunning cycle. Account notifications include the following tokens:
Account Suspended
Account notifications are generated when the customer account has been activated, suspended, closed or reinstated by the dunning cycle. Account notifications include the following tokens:
Account Closed
Account notifications are generated when the customer account has been activated, suspended, closed or reinstated by the dunning cycle. Account notifications include the following tokens:
Account Reinstated
Account notifications are generated when the customer account has been activated, suspended, closed or reinstated by the dunning cycle. Account notifications include the following tokens:
Password Reset
The password reset notification is sent to a customer when the password has been reset for the customer. The following tokens are available:
$CustomerName$ | The name of the customer |
$CompanyName$ | Your configured company name |
$Username$ | The username |
$TemporaryPassword$ | The temporary password |
$CustomerPortalURL$ | The URL for the customer portal (if enabled) |
$CustomerServiceEmail$ | Your configured customer service e-mail |
$CustomerServicePhone$ | Your configured customer service phone number |
$CompanyAddress.AddressLine1$ | Your configured company address line 1 |
$CompanyAddress.AddressLine2$ | Your configured company address line 2 |
$CompanyAddress.City$ | Your configured company address city |
$CompanyAddress.StateProvince$ | Your configured company address state/province |
$CompanyAddress.PostalCode$ | Your configured company address postal code |
Below is the default template for this notification:
Dear $CustomerName$, Please find your login information below: User name: $Username$ Temporary password: $TemporaryPassword$ $if(CustomerPortalURL)$ To log into the customer portal, go to $CustomerPortalURL$ You will be asked to change your password when you log in. Note that passwords are case sensitive. $endif$ Thank you, $CompanyName$ Contact Us ------------------------------------------------------------ E-Mail: $CustomerServiceEmail$ $if(CustomerServicePhone)$Phone: $CustomerServicePhone$$endif$ Mail: $CompanyAddress.AddressLine1$ $CompanyAddress.AddressLine2$ $CompanyAddress.City$, $CompanyAddress.StateProvince$ $CompanyAddress.PostalCode$